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苏州锐凯标准件有限公司成立于 2010 年,占地 14000 平方米, 建筑面积 11000 平方米。地处苏州高新技术开发区通安镇,西邻太湖 风景区,312 国道和苏州绕城高速交汇处。附近有传化公路港,国华 物流园,一力物流园,中外运保税区等多家物流园。风景秀丽,人杰 地灵,交通极为便利。
Suzhou Ruikai Standard Component Co., Ltd is found in 2010, covered 14000 square meters, with building area 11000 square meters. It is located in Tong’an Town New and High-tech Development Zone Suzhou City, Taihu Lake scenic resort to the west, 312national highway and Suzhou urban highway cross. There are many ogistics parks like Chuanhua road-port、Guohua logistics park、Yili logistics park and the bonded area of Sinotrans etc. It is with beautiful scenic and conveniect transportation. 我公司主营合金钢和不锈钢螺柱,螺帽,内、外六角螺栓,活节 螺栓,机螺钉,自攻螺钉及各种非标紧固件。严格选用符合 ASTM 标准的材料,按相关国际标准制造,广泛应用于核电设备、海洋石油 工程、高温高压和低温高压的石油管道、阀门、化工行业和其... [详细介绍] |